Sunday, May 19, 2019

National News

Mocking a parent on the death of a child is the nadir of humanity. Unfortunately, many have been exposed of how bad they are from inside as they celebrated the death of Qamar Zaman Kaira’s son on social media. These sadists remarked that Kaira deserved this blaming his corrupt ways for his son’s death. Meanwhile for a civilized society, the death of Kaira’s son and his friend will bring tears to every eye - the death of the young is a grave tragedy for any society. So why are some people happy that this young man died? Are we dead inside? Is this a dead society?Social media has no doubt given people are free place to speak openly. But there is no justifying the people who posted cruel statements against Kaira at this time, only reveal how rotten these people are from inside. Social Media has only empowered them to bare their ugliness publically without fearing face-to-face interaction. These cowards hide behind technology but still reveal themselves for what they are. Does any religion especially Islam allow anyone to hurt others? Does the Religion allow us to speak ill of the dead? Revisit the teaching of religion and maybe you will be able to save some humanity left in you.It is quite alarming to see posts on social media platforms that have a global reach where people are celebrating the loss of a life, and that too of a child. Muslims pride themselves for being pious and compassionate. Moreover, the Holy Month Ramzan is a month when Muslims try to do good for others, giving more charity and showing compassion. Who are these people? There will be many who will try to explain this bad and ‘negative’ online behaviour to gadgets and internet, absolving themselves and society for its ‘evils’. They will blame the younger generation of being under the influence of the evils of social media and refuse to accept that as a society we need to re-evaluate ourselves, highlighting our shortcomings and find solutions. But is the Internet so powerful that it can rewire our minds? Can it re-programme us and control us?Maybe it can. Maybe it cannot. However, this does not mean we can absolve ourselves from the ability to differentiating between right and wrong. We are not cyborgs; we are a species with a higher intellect – well some of us are.We should take responsibility for our actions and our words. Hopefully, we have enough sense to improve ourselves, and a conscience to be able admit our mistakes and try to improve ourselves.If we cannot do this, than we are better off as cyborgs. 

from The News International - National
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