Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Murad orders crackdown drug peddling into educational institutions

KARACHI: Sindh Chief Minister Syed Murad Ali Shah has directed Sindh police to keep strict vigilance on peddling of narcotics into educational institutions. “This is a serious matter and must be handled seriously,” he said and added “the children are future of Pakistan and they are our children and we have to bring them up in a safe, secure and healthy atmosphere.”This he said on Wednesday while presiding over a weekly meeting on law & order here at the CM House. The meeting was attended by Adviusor Law Barrister Murtaza Wahab, IG Sindh Dr Kaleem Immam, Principal Secretary to CM Sajid Jamal Abro, Home Secretary Kazi Kabir, Adl IG CTD Dr Waliullah Dal, Commissioner Karachi Iftikhar Shahlwani, Abdullah Shaikh DIG CTD, Sharjeel Kharal DIG South, Amir Farooqi DIG East and Ameen Yousif Zai DIG West.The chief minister said that whenever he met with parents they urged him to take striucty action against paddling of narcotics in educational institutions. “I am quite concern about our children,” he said and added that they were innocent and could be molded towards good and bad things. “They are our children and we have to make them safe from such evils,” he said.DIG South Sharjeel Kharal told the chief minister that he had arrested an important culprit involved in developing a group to penetrate narcotics in educational institutions. The IG Police, Kaleem Imam taking the discussion further said that on instructions of the chief minister the police have already launched a targeted operation against the drug mafia and have busted their different gangs. The chief minister directed the secretary education to develop a coordination between private educational institution administration and the police and also involve the parents, if necessary to develop a mechanism to stop narcotics paddling into the educational institutions.Giving progress of last week’s meeting decisions, the DIG told the chair that he had held few meetings with DHA authorities for installation of more CCT cameras and fixing of out of order ones. The street lights in DHA and Clifton areas were being improved and upgraded.The IG told the chief minister that the culprits of the Chinese Consulate attack have successfully been arrested. At this the chief minister directed the Home secretary to issue instructions to all the security agencies to get verification of their guards. “I want security audit of all the guards employed by security agencies,” he said and added apart from verification of their personnel, inspection of their weapons must be checked. “I have noticed that most of the private security guards are untrained which is dangerous,” he said.ADL IG CTD Dr Waliullah Dal and DIG CTD Abdullah Shaikh briefed the chief minister about busting a gang involved in making fake armed licenses even of the banned bores. IG Kaleem Imam said that on the pointation of the arrested culprits [involved in making fake license] their facilitators in police department and DC offices have also been taken into custody. DIG East Amir Farooqui and DIG West Amin Yousif Zai briefed the chief minister about the steps taken by them to curb street crime. They said that they have launched crackdown against street criminals involved in mobile and bike snatching. They added that the ratio of street crime have come down compared to 2018. The IG police said that he has created a special force of 10 to 20 well-trained policemen being stationed at SSP offices so that they could be called in case of any eventuality. The first batch of such force has been posted at South Zone in the first phase and in the second phase this deployment would be made in other zones. This initive has been made after attack on Chinese Consulate when police force was called from different police stations. The IG police told the chief minister that he was preparing a mechanism to start recruitment round the year. “Over 10,000 policemen retire from their service every year, therefore recruitment process as approved by the chief minister was being started,” he said. The chief minister said that the police have to make its training centers more professional for the training of new recruits and in-service trainings. The chief minister said two important events, PSL and multinational Naval AMAN exercise were coming over. The police have to provide them security, therefore necessary meetings with the concerned quarters must be made. It may be noted that the chief minister has started reviewing law and order situation all over Sindh every week. It was the third review meeting held on Wednesday.

from The News International - National
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