Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Naya Pakistan Housing Programme: How to apply as registration form issued

ISLAMABAD: National Database and Registration Authority (NADRA) on Wednesday night issued the registration form for PM Imran Khan's ‘Naya Pakistan Housing Programme’.As per details, a registration process has been  initiated in the seven districts with the cooperation of the NADRA to collect data for housing needs of the people.In the first phase of the project seven districts    would be facilitated, including Sukkur, Quetta, Gilgit, Muzaffarabad, Swat, Islamabad and Faisalabad.How to applyThe people can avail the facility of online form and download it from the website of NADRA as  it issued   hours after Imran Khan's inauguration of the project. While it can be submitted within two months (from October 22 to December 21) along with Rs250 registration fee at the selected district offices. The eligibility criteriaOnly one person per family ( husband, wife and children ) is eligible to apply in this scheme.Preference will be given to candidates who do not own any independent residential unit in Pakistan. PKR 250 per form should be deposited along with this registration form.Based on the data collected from these forms, housing specification including design, price and site will be decided for the applicants.A Flagship Project Prime Minister Imran Khan has unveiled his government’s flagship project  Naya Pakistan Housing Programme – ensuring the provision of five million low-cost houses for underprivileged classes during the next five years.Khan is optimistic that the successful implementation of the programme would not only boost the country’s economy but create immense job opportunities as well.According to the programme, the government would provide the required land for the project and play the role of a regulator and facilitator to address bottlenecks to ensure enabling environment through the one-window facilitation centre for public and private sectors and non-profit organisations who would execute the project.Offices, where forms can be submittedSUKKUR : DC Office, SukkurQUETTA : NADRA Registration Center, Sariab Road QuettaGILGIT : DC Office, GilgitMUZAFFARABAD: DC Office old secretariat, MuzaffarabadSWAT: DC Office, District Court, Mengura SwatISLAMABAD: NADRA Mega Center, Blue Area ISlamabadFAISALABAD: DC Office Faisalabad

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