from The News International - National
PM Imran forms committee to implement PTI?s 5 million housing program
ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister Imran Khan Monday sought within a week, a comprehensive and coherent plan of action for the materialization of PTI’s manifesto promise, for construction of low-cost 5 million houses to address the lingering issue.Chairing a meeting on the construction of affordable houses at the Prime Minister Office, the Prime Minister said the construction plans were the priority of the government and would not only address this long standing issue in major cities but would also promote economic growth and create job opportunities.The prime minister directed formation of a committee under Secretary Housing and Works to study international models and come up with a road-map, in consultation with experts and representatives of concerned departments, while taking into account all aspects.He said it should include the legal framework, availability of the land, banking support and raising of required resources for smooth implementation of the project.The Committee would submit its initial recommendations to the Prime Minister within one week.The Prime Minister said there was a need to simultaneously devise a comprehensive mechanism for regulating katchi-abaadis and slums without dislocating the poor and ensuring provision of all civic amenities to the people in those areas.The meeting was attended by Yaqoob Izahar, Najeeb Haroon, Arshad Dad, Secretary Housing & Works Dr. Imran Zeb Khan, Secretary Law Justice (R) Abdul Shakoor Paracha and other senior officers.The Prime Minister said the private sector should be encouraged and provided maximum facilities to all those who would be partnering with the government in the implementation of the ‘Five Million Housing Program.’
from The News International - National
from The News International - National