from The News International - National
Pakistan rejects war mongering by India ruling elite: Fawad Chaudhry
ISLAMABAD: In a sharp rebuke to Indian army chief’s threatening remarks, Information and Broadcasting Minister Fawad Chaudhry said that India was using hate mongering against Pakistan to bail out Prime Minister Narendra Modi following calls for his resignation over a French deal. The information minister took to Twitter on Saturday to denounce the Indian government after New Delhi pulled out of a planned foreign minister-level meeting in New York and issued an undiplomatic statement resorting to personal attacks against Prime Minister Imran Khan. Separately, Indian army chief General Bipin Rawat also threatened to take launch action against Pakistan. “India will have to respond to Pakistan in their own language without resorting to barbarism,” Rawat told Indian media, according to Indian TV.Extending support to Indian government's decision to call off foreign minister-level talks with Pakistan in New York on UNGA sidelines, General Rawat said that talks and terrorism can't go hand-in-hand. "I think our govt's policy has been quite clear and concise. We've made no bones about the fact that talks and terrorism can't go hand in hand. Pakistan needs to curb menace of terrorism," he said. Pakistan rejects the war mongering by ruling elite of India, Chaudhry said. “We reject war mongering by ruling elite of India everyone know Indian Govt strategy is to use hate mongering against Pak basically to bail Pm Modi from call for resignation post French jets Rafael deal and divert attention of Indian public from this mega corruption scandal,” he tweeted.
from The News International - National
from The News International - National